Sharetru Custom Images_Brand to
    Brand to Your Business

    Create Brand Harmony

    When you customize our web application, you're not just changing some colors and calling it a day. It's about going beyond the ordinary and creating a consistent experience. Because when your customers interact with your brand across various touch points, they should instantly feel like they've arrived at the right place.

    Your Site-Branding Toolbox

    Get ready to level up your business and make a lasting impression on your clients. Here's why this seemingly small feature can have a massive impact.

    • Sitewide White Labeling

      Brand the web application

      When you use your own branding on a B2B application, you instantly establish trust and credibility with your clients. Think about it: would you feel more confident working with a faceless, generic platform, or one that showcases your brand's unique personality and values? At Sharetru, we give ours up within the web application so you can reinforce your identity and tell your clients that you're serious about your business.

    • Use Your Own Domain

      Designate the URL

      Let's talk about brand recognition. Your domain name is essentially your online address, and it's how people find you on the web. Having a custom domain name is crucial for building brand awareness and recognition. It's like your digital headquarters and the hub of all your online activities. When people see your domain name, they should instantly associate it with your brand, your products, and your values.
    • Customize the Login Screen

      Set a login page color theme

      Your brand logo on a B2B application creates a consistent experience across all touchpoints. It's like the cherry on top of your entire customer journey. When your clients interact with any application your company uses, they should feel like they're in your world, surrounded by your brand's color and logos. This creates a sense of familiarity and coherence, reinforcing your brand image and making your clients feel right at home.
    • Add a Login Page Notice

      Craft a Concise and Compelling Message

      An often overlooked but mighty branding feature: the customized login notice on a web application. Your login notice is one of the first things your users see when they access your web application. A customized login notice is a fantastic opportunity to reinforce your brand's messaging and values. Think about it as a mini billboard for your business. You can use this space to showcase your brand's tagline, compliance requirements, a friendly welcome message, or even a quirky brand voice that embodies your unique personality.
    • Get a Clickwrap Agreement

      Require Acceptance of Policies

      This might not be the most exciting topic, but this is a branding gem: the clickwrap agreement on a web application. This seemingly mundane legal feature can actually be a powerful branding, too. Let's start with clarity and professionalism: your clickwrap agreement showcases your commitment to doing business the right way. It's a clear and concise document that outlines the terms of use, privacy policy, or any other legal agreements that govern the use of your web application. By having a well-crafted clickwrap agreement, you demonstrate to your users that you take their rights, privacy, and security seriously.


      clickwrap agreement-screenshot

    • SMTP Integration

      Bring your own "From" Email Address

      SMTP server integration is your brand’s secret weapon, turbocharging professionalism, trust, and compliance. Imagine every email you send landing in your customers’ inboxes with your brand’s name front and center. It’s all about credibility and that polished, professional image right from the start. Plus, with SMTP, your emails dodge the spam folder, building trust with your audience every time they see your name in their inbox. And let’s not forget compliance—SMTP ensures you’re playing by the rules of GDPR and CAN-SPAM, keeping your brand out of legal hot water and your customers confident in your security.

    Brand the web application

    When you use your own branding on a B2B application, you instantly establish trust and credibility with your clients. Think about it: would you feel more confident working with a faceless, generic platform, or one that showcases your brand's unique personality and values? At Sharetru, we give ours up within the web application so you can reinforce your identity and tell your clients that you're serious about your business.

    Designate the URL

    Let's talk about brand recognition. Your domain name is essentially your online address, and it's how people find you on the web. Having a custom domain name is crucial for building brand awareness and recognition. It's like your digital headquarters and the hub of all your online activities. When people see your domain name, they should instantly associate it with your brand, your products, and your values.

    Set a login page color theme

    Your brand logo on a B2B application creates a consistent experience across all touchpoints. It's like the cherry on top of your entire customer journey. When your clients interact with any application your company uses, they should feel like they're in your world, surrounded by your brand's color and logos. This creates a sense of familiarity and coherence, reinforcing your brand image and making your clients feel right at home.

    Craft a Concise and Compelling Message

    An often overlooked but mighty branding feature: the customized login notice on a web application. Your login notice is one of the first things your users see when they access your web application. A customized login notice is a fantastic opportunity to reinforce your brand's messaging and values. Think about it as a mini billboard for your business. You can use this space to showcase your brand's tagline, compliance requirements, a friendly welcome message, or even a quirky brand voice that embodies your unique personality.

    Require Acceptance of Policies

    This might not be the most exciting topic, but this is a branding gem: the clickwrap agreement on a web application. This seemingly mundane legal feature can actually be a powerful branding, too. Let's start with clarity and professionalism: your clickwrap agreement showcases your commitment to doing business the right way. It's a clear and concise document that outlines the terms of use, privacy policy, or any other legal agreements that govern the use of your web application. By having a well-crafted clickwrap agreement, you demonstrate to your users that you take their rights, privacy, and security seriously.


    clickwrap agreement-screenshot

    Bring your own "From" Email Address

    SMTP server integration is your brand’s secret weapon, turbocharging professionalism, trust, and compliance. Imagine every email you send landing in your customers’ inboxes with your brand’s name front and center. It’s all about credibility and that polished, professional image right from the start. Plus, with SMTP, your emails dodge the spam folder, building trust with your audience every time they see your name in their inbox. And let’s not forget compliance—SMTP ensures you’re playing by the rules of GDPR and CAN-SPAM, keeping your brand out of legal hot water and your customers confident in your security.

    How Important Is Branding on a File Sharing Platform? 

    When selecting a secure file sharing solution for your organization, it’s important to start by understanding what features are most critical to your operations.

    Besides crucial elements like security, accessibility, and scalability, the facility to promote your brand through customization is of key importance to your business. Your site should be branded with a custom logo, colors, domain name, and SSL certificates to emulate your own company’s image. 

    Make your file sharing solution feel less like a service and more like an extension of your organization.

    See What Features to Look for When Searching for an FTP Server


    See How Our Platform Works

    You don’t have to take our word for it. We’ve been at the vanguard of secure online file sharing since the very beginning, and we’d love to show you how we do it. Schedule your demo today.

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