Transforming Healthcare File Sharing

    Sharing ePHI in Healthcare with Unparalleled Security

    We're not just another file sharing platform; we're a specialized solution, meticulously designed for healthcare professionals. Our mission? To revolutionize the way you share electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI).

    Redefining HIPAA-Compliant File Transfer

    And when it comes to support, we're there for you 24/7. Our team doesn't just know our platform; they understand your industry. Whether it's a quick question or an emergency, we're here to help.

    We also believe in empowering our users. That's why we offer training and educational resources, helping you navigate the complexities of secure file sharing in the healthcare context. With Sharetru, you're not just getting a service - you're joining a community of experts.

    At Sharetru, we're more than just a file sharing platform. We're your partner in secure, efficient, and compliant healthcare operations.

    We're not your run-of-the-mill file sharing platform. We're a specialized solution, designed for healthcare professionals like you.

    We don't stop at meeting your needs - we anticipate them. Our Advanced Security and Compliance Platform go beyond HIPAA compliance, offering cutting-edge encryption technologies and AI-powered threat detection. We're not just about keeping your files safe; we're about giving you peace of mind.

    Meeting HIPAA Controls for Unparalleled Protection and Compliance

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    End to EndEncryption

    Imagine your ePHI as a precious gem. With Sharetru's encryption at rest and encryption in transit, your ePHI isn't just data; it's a treasure that's guarded with the utmost care. Because in the world of healthcare, every piece of information is valuable, and we're committed to protecting it.

    Learn More About Data Protection
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    File Sharing

    When using our platform, sensitive health information can be as easy as sending a link. Our secure file sharing empowers physicians to share vital health data with patients swiftly and securely, with link expiration and password protection, enhancing care while safeguarding privacy.

    Learn More About File Sharing
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    Multi-Factor Authentication

    Your ePHI is a castle. Your password? That's the drawbridge. But what if someone, somehow, gets past it? That's where multi-factor authentication comes in. It's the moat around your castle, an extra layer of defense that keeps intruders at bay. With Sharetru, your ePHI isn't just protected - it's fortified.

    Learn More About Authentication
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    Audit Controls Imagine a world where every file access leaves a footprint. That's audit controls. It's your detective, tracking who touched what and when. In healthcare, where patient data is sacred, it's not just about protection, but accountability. With Sharetru, you're not just securing data, you're tracing its journey.
    Learn More About Audit Capabilities
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    Business Continuity

    Think of disaster recovery and business continuity as your healthcare data's life jacket. When the unexpected hits, it keeps your operations afloat, ensuring patient data is accessible and secure. It's not just a HIPAA requirement, it's your safety net in a world of uncertainties. With Sharetru, you're always prepared.

    Learn More About Business Continuity
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    Identity Service Integration

    Single Sign-On (SSO) simplifies access, reduces password fatigue, and enhances security - a trifecta that's golden for HIPAA compliance. With Sharetru, you're not just unlocking doors, you're paving the way to a more secure, efficient healthcare experience for your providers.

    Learn More about SSO

    Trusted by Our Valued Clients

    Join our growing list of satisfied clients who’ve placed their trust in our secure file-sharing solutions. We support organizational workflows with airtight data security and helpful, friendly service.

    Experience Unmatched Confidence


    Picture a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (BAA) as a safety net, catching any compliance slips before they become falls. It's a contract that says, 'Your sensitive healthcare data? We've got it handled.' With a BAA, you're not just meeting HIPAA requirements, you're building a bridge of trust between you and your data handlers.

    At Sharetru, we're not just providing a platform for secure file sharing; we're offering peace of mind. How? Through our HIPAA Business Associate Agreements (BAAs), crafted by the very attorneys who helped write the HIPAA rules.

    Whether you're a covered entity or a subcontractor, we've got you covered. Our BAAs are tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring you're not just compliant, but confidently compliant.

    But we don't stop there. Our BAAs are just one part of our Advanced Security and Compliance Platform. From end-to-end encryption to multi-factor authentication, we're committed to providing a secure, compliant environment for your healthcare data.

    With Sharetru, you're not just getting a file sharing solution. You're partnering with a team that's as committed to HIPAA compliance as you are. Experience the Sharetru difference today.

    “Sharetru’s flexibility allows us to use this one solution for multiple purposes, while maintaining an extremely high level of security for each method. That approach shows us that Sharetru was very customer-focused when they developed their solution and frankly, we couldn’t be happier with the service.”

    Tony Reynolds | CHESS Health Solutions


    See Our Platform In Action

    Our words don’t do it justice. We’ve been perfecting our file sharing platform from the start, and we’d love to walk you through it. Take a quick tour to see how it works.

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