Sharetru Custom Images_File Shar
    AD-HOC File Sharing Links

    Make File Sharing Painless

    Are you tired of the struggle to send data and files to your colleagues, clients, and vendors? Say goodbye to the hassles and hello to a streamlined file sharing experience that exceeds your expectations from start to finish.

    Your File Sharing Toolbox

    Whether you are using automated protocols, or creating a link to share files, our pride lies in the fact that we handle all file-sharing development in the U.S., ensuring robust security measures for your data and granting you unparalleled peace of mind when sharing files.

    • Unlimited Inbound & Outbound Links

      ShareTru Icons-Accountability

      Share with guests

      Why burden your organization with the weight of permanent user accounts that eat into your user quota? Opt for a smarter and more flexible solution: effortlessly generate secure links to send and receive files or folders. Take charge of your organization's circle of trust, with your administrators holding the reins on who has the power to create these links.

    • Country Specific File Sharing

      ShareTru Icons-Vulnerability Monitoring-Management

      Protection Beyond Borders

      Maintaining control over shared files and links is a key priority for any organization. With country access controls at the platform level, you can rest assured that links can't be accessed from outside designated, trusted States. This feature helps keep sensitive files under tight wraps, protecting your information and data against potential breaches that can arise from unmonitored access.

    • Automated Link Expiration

      ShareTru Icons-Prevent data breaches

      Safeguard linked content

      Your admins can now effortlessly decide the duration of links system wide – whether it's the number of uses or a specific number of days. Alternatively, you can entrust this decision-making to the users themselves. Take control of link expiration by setting an automatic limit of as little as one day or a single use. The choice is yours, and we're here to give you the freedom to decide.

    • Protect Links with Password Controls

      ShareTru Icons-Mitigate security risks

      Add Another Wall of Protection

      By ensuring file sharing links are protected with passwords that match your company's stringent policies, you're fortifying the security of your shared data, limiting access only to those with the proper key. Moreover, you have the flexibility to change or add passwords to the file sharing link at any time, allowing you to maintain the utmost control over your valuable information. Protect your data with confidence and keep it firmly within your grasp.

    • Link Creator Notifications


      Establish alerts

      With our email notification system, link creators can rest assured they’ll receive comprehensive details regarding their link usage. This information includes the creation and expiration dates, the remaining uses, and the IP address utilized for access, as well as the email address entered upon use. All key data is conveyed through these notifications, enabling link creators to stay on top of things and maintain tight control over their shared materials.

    • Observe File Sharing Activity

      ShareTru Icons-Detailed Activity Logs

      Manage and Analyze Links with Ease

      The Shares dashboard offers seamless access to active, inactive, inbound, or outbound links with just a few clicks. Moreover, you can export links at will, gaining the power to explore and analyze them further. Whether you need an overview of all your links or specific information on links within a particular folder, our system has you covered. Cut down on research time and streamline your exploration efforts with our comprehensive platform.

    • Replace Email's Limitations

      ShareTru Icons-Control Physical, Digital, and Everything In Between

      No File Size Limits

      Break free from email's file sharing limits. Don't let file size restrictions hold you back any longer. Sharetru empowers you to share files of any size, even entire folders, without a hitch. Say goodbye to the tedious chore of sending multiple emails and fragmented files. Streamline your workflow and boost efficiency and security for your internal team knowing that Sharetru has got your back.

    ShareTru Icons-Accountability

    Share with guests

    Why burden your organization with the weight of permanent user accounts that eat into your user quota? Opt for a smarter and more flexible solution: effortlessly generate secure links to send and receive files or folders. Take charge of your organization's circle of trust, with your administrators holding the reins on who has the power to create these links.

    ShareTru Icons-Vulnerability Monitoring-Management

    Protection Beyond Borders

    Maintaining control over shared files and links is a key priority for any organization. With country access controls at the platform level, you can rest assured that links can't be accessed from outside designated, trusted States. This feature helps keep sensitive files under tight wraps, protecting your information and data against potential breaches that can arise from unmonitored access.

    ShareTru Icons-Prevent data breaches

    Safeguard linked content

    Your admins can now effortlessly decide the duration of links system wide – whether it's the number of uses or a specific number of days. Alternatively, you can entrust this decision-making to the users themselves. Take control of link expiration by setting an automatic limit of as little as one day or a single use. The choice is yours, and we're here to give you the freedom to decide.

    ShareTru Icons-Mitigate security risks

    Add Another Wall of Protection

    By ensuring file sharing links are protected with passwords that match your company's stringent policies, you're fortifying the security of your shared data, limiting access only to those with the proper key. Moreover, you have the flexibility to change or add passwords to the file sharing link at any time, allowing you to maintain the utmost control over your valuable information. Protect your data with confidence and keep it firmly within your grasp.


    Establish alerts

    With our email notification system, link creators can rest assured they’ll receive comprehensive details regarding their link usage. This information includes the creation and expiration dates, the remaining uses, and the IP address utilized for access, as well as the email address entered upon use. All key data is conveyed through these notifications, enabling link creators to stay on top of things and maintain tight control over their shared materials.

    ShareTru Icons-Detailed Activity Logs

    Manage and Analyze Links with Ease

    The Shares dashboard offers seamless access to active, inactive, inbound, or outbound links with just a few clicks. Moreover, you can export links at will, gaining the power to explore and analyze them further. Whether you need an overview of all your links or specific information on links within a particular folder, our system has you covered. Cut down on research time and streamline your exploration efforts with our comprehensive platform.

    ShareTru Icons-Control Physical, Digital, and Everything In Between

    No File Size Limits

    Break free from email's file sharing limits. Don't let file size restrictions hold you back any longer. Sharetru empowers you to share files of any size, even entire folders, without a hitch. Say goodbye to the tedious chore of sending multiple emails and fragmented files. Streamline your workflow and boost efficiency and security for your internal team knowing that Sharetru has got your back.

    Simplifying File Transfer Management

    As pioneers in Managed File Transfer-as-a-Service, we take the weight off your internal teams' shoulders – liberating them from the never-ending cycle of security patches, server upkeep, and platform development. With us as your trusted partner, you can channel your energy into perfecting control systems and ensuring your organization enjoys seamless, efficient, and ironclad file transfers.


    Are You Ready for a Demo?

    You don’t need to take our word for it. We’ve been leading the charge in secure online file sharing since the very beginning, and we’d love to show you how we do it. Schedule your demo today.

    Book Your Demo