June 8, 2023

    The Top File Sharing Trends You Need to Know for 2024

    Top File Sharing Trends 2024: Secure Solutions & Compliance

    The world of file sharing will be quite different in 2024 than it was when we started. Technology has changed how we share files, but the trend is more toward secure and private sharing solutions as opposed to open-access platforms. This means that organizations will increasingly turn to secure file transfer solutions to protect their data while ensuring that they meet compliance standards.

    This article explores the future of file sharing in 2024 and what it means for businesses looking to grow their customer base through digital marketing strategies.

    Organizations will increasingly turn to secure file transfer solutions to protect their data.

    The growing popularity of secure file transfer solutions is a testament to the need for organizations to protect their data from unauthorized access. Secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) solutions allow organizations to share files securely, both internally and externally with clients, customers, and partners. These solutions are a good alternative to unsecured file-sharing solutions that leave businesses vulnerable to data theft and malware attacks.

    Secure file transfer solutions can also be used in conjunction with other security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), anti-virus software, and encryption technologies like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). A couple of the leading file-sharing solutions (such as Sharetru) have built-in these security measures to keep your data safe.

    The file transfer market is expected to grow by over 9% every year.

    The file transfer market is expected to grow by over 9% every year. The global file transfer market was worth $32.5 billion in 2018 and was expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.2% through 2023, making it a $40 billion industry by 2024.

    Cloud-based software will take over the file transfer market.

    Cloud-based software will continue to take over the file transfer market in 2024. File-sharing apps like Sharetru have made their way into businesses of all sizes and in almost every industry. This trend is going to continue during the next decade because cloud-based software is more scalable, flexible, and cost-effective over time than local programs like Sharepoint, or applications your organization is running on their in-house infrastructure.

    Greater regulation of file sharing will ensure better data protection.

    The need for stronger data protection legislation will continue to grow in the coming years. As more and more personal information is stored on file-sharing networks, there is a greater need for better security protocols and regulatory oversight. You can look to the wave of state-based compliance regulations for data protection that have rolled out over the past 12 months as proof of this. States such as California (CCPA), Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia have launched their own regulations, with other states not far behind. Many of these regulations resemble GDPR.

    File sharing will be more important than ever.

    Cloud file sharing solutions are a crucial part of business, collaboration, and modern life. In the future, it will be even more important.

    When you're working on a project with other people, file sharing is a key tool to help you work together. File sharing lets everyone work on a project at the same time and see each others' changes as they happen. This makes it easier for teams to stay in sync and collaborate effectively—and professionals know that this kind of efficiency saves money and time!

    Application and Content Control

    Application and content control are also going to be a big trend in the near future.

    • Use of encryption - Data encryption is a process that makes it difficult for others to access data without permission or without knowing the right code to unlock it. This can be accomplished through either symmetric or asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for both encrypting and decrypting a message; while asymmetric encryption involves two different keys, one public and one private.
    • Use of authentication - Authentication verifies users' identities by requiring them to provide something they know (such as their password) or something they have (like their fingerprint).

    It's important when using a file transfer application to have multiple modes of authentication. Whether that be a username and password, SSH key authentication, and backing it up with country access controls, IP address restrictions, or multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA). Secondly, verify with your file transfer platform provider your data is encrypted and meets the requirements of your industry.

    User Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control

    Authentication, authorization, and access control (A3) have been a cornerstone of modern security for more than two decades. A3 controls help you protect data from unauthorized access and prevent data loss. They also enable organizations to enforce compliance with legal, regulatory or contractual requirements; protect internal assets from compromise; and reduce the time spent managing user access rights.

    In this section we take a closer look at each of these components in order to understand how they work together:

    • Authentication - Identify and verify a user's identity in order to grant them access to specified resources or services. This process often involves passwords or biometrics such as fingerprints or facial recognition software on mobile devices. When done correctly, authentication ensures that only authorized users can log into your system by providing proof that they are who they say they are (i..e., their username).
    • Authorization - Determine what a user can do or access on a system after authentication has taken place successfully (i e., if someone logs into their account at work but doesn't have permission then they won't be able to see sensitive information related directly back up until an appropriate role has been granted by management level staff!) This means once again when doing so correctly there shouldn't be any surprises when it comes time for annual reviews which helps everyone stay focused rather than worrying about what could happen next!
    • Access Control - Ensuring control to the appropriate folders ensures bad actors will not be able to gain total access to the application with less than administrative level capabilities. Protecting your files by only having the right team members with access is important to any A3 control process.

    Threat Detection and Response

    Threat detection and response is a critical part of file sharing, and it will be even more important in the coming years. File-sharing platforms need to have the capability to detect cyber or data security threats and respond quickly, or they risk losing users. As file-sharing becomes more mainstream, more people will be sharing files outside of their personal computers. This will make it difficult for companies that provide such services to protect their customers from malicious actors who seek financial gain through hacking attempts or ransomware attacks.


    In the next five years, we’re bound to see many additional changes in file sharing and data protection. And while there’s no way of knowing exactly what those changes will be, one thing is certain: they will be necessary. The amount of information being shared between users and organizations today is massive, and as more people get connected through the internet, it only increases with each passing day. With all this information available at our fingertips—and even more coming our way every year—it’s important that we keep up with new technology so we can keep ourselves safe online.


    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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