November 22, 2017

    How Choosing an Online FTP Solution Catalyzes Business Growth

    If you’re a business owner, you know that growing and improving your business is an all-encompassing job. Growth is a top objective for most companies, but with limited resources, it’s hard to grow your company successfully.

    To grow, you need to examine every aspect of your operations. It’s easy to overlook tools like online FTP solutions. But, the right solution can enable growth and promote greater efficiency and profitability in your business.

    Explore five ways the right online FTP solution can support your business’ growth initiatives.

    1. Attract Top Talent With Remote Work Capability

    The ability to work remote is a strong attraction for top employee talent. In an increasingly mobile world, working remote is a natural progression for the modern workforce. Today, 50% of workers have jobs that are compatible with remote work, and the vast majority of workers – 80-90% – say they would like to work remote at least part-time.

    Due to the growing popularity of remote work, companies are using the promise of freedom and flexibility to attract top talent. If you company engages with sensitive data, however, you might be hesitant to allow remote work. Don’t let security concerns hold you back from offering this benefit. Having an online FTP solution will enable you to confidently offer remote work without compromising on the data security.

    Top online FTP solutions have numerous security measures in place to protect data accessed by employees both in and out of the office. With built-in security measures like two-factor authentication and the ability to control data access based on IP addresses, you can provide all the benefits of working remotely, while still being confident your data is safe.

    2. Avoid Compliance Issues with Secure Data Sharing

    “Compliance” and “growth” are two words rarely used in the same sentence. But, noncompliance could have a major impact on whether or not you meet your growth objectives. Having an industry-best online FTP solution helps you balance the demands of compliance with your efforts to grow your business.

    Companies in a wide range of industry face strict compliance mandates. From HIPAA to PCI-DSS requirements, your business needs to maintain a high level data security. And, when you fail to align with them, your company could face two key risks impacting growth: heavy fines and damage to your reputation.

    Noncompliance fines often come with a big price tag, and many companies don’t have the cash on hand to cover the expense. Recently, Hilton Hotels paid a $700,000 fine for mishandling two data breaches that compromised more than 363,000 customers’ credit card information. If your business was hit with a fine like this, you would likely have to liquidate some assets to come up with the funds. And, every dime you pay toward a noncompliance fine is money that could have been used to facilitate growth efforts.

    In addition to fines, your company also risks damage to your reputation. Put yourself in the shoes of the Hilton customers whose credit card information was compromised. If you were one of those customers, you might be hesitant to trust a Hilton Hotel with your business again. You don’t want the same backlash when it comes to your customers. Use an online FTP solution with practically impenetrable security measures, and you’ll rest easy knowing your data and reputation are safe.

    3. Hinder Cyber Attacks

    Cyber attacks pose a threat to consumers and companies both large and small. In fact, if you’re a small business trying to grow a cyber attack could be especially devastating. About 60% of small companies go out of business within six months of a cyber attack occurring. That’s a hard fact to face – especially if you don’t think your file sharing security measures are robust enough.

    That’s where a secure online FTP solution comes in. A top solution will hinder cyber attacks and protect your most sensitive data. With measures like restricting country access based on IP addresses, advanced intrusion detection, and prevention heuristics to blacklist hackers, today’s FTP solutions provide the highest levels of security. And, because hackers’ methods advance daily, you need an FTP solution that can keep up. With a team of file sharing experts on your side, you no longer have to worry about digital theft or the looming threat of a data breach.


    4. Prevent Data Loss with Expiring Links

    Take your data protection (and reputation protection) a step further by choosing an online FTP solution that enables you to send files with expiring links. Lost data can easily result in lost business. If you’re replacing an in-house server with a new online file sharing solution, you know it’s a huge task, and you’re likely worried about opening your server up to vulnerability. Expiring links in one way you can maintain control over who is able to access your data.

    When you use expiring links, you can protect data both now and in the future. An online FTP solution providing the option of expiring links prevents downloads via the link after a certain period of time. This also protects your data in the future, too. If the recipient of the link experiences a data breach in a day or a year, that link will be useless to hackers.

    Expiring links are useful when preventing data loss. It also makes file sharing with your clients easy. Link recipients don’t need a login, so when you’re sharing links with clients, they’re only one click away from crucial data you want to share. Well protected data and positive client relations lead to growth for your business.


    5. Automate Your Tasks

    For most business owners and employees, there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete all essential tasks and focus on growth initiatives. With automation-friendly online FTP solutions, you can put time back into your schedule.

    Through automated file transfers, you can move data related to sales and orders between retailers, warehouses, and accounting departments. You can even automatically collect EFT payments. This increases your operational efficiency and reduces the chance of error in your file transfers.

    File transfers aren’t the only tasks you can automate. Instead of frequently, manually purging your files, you can establish recurring purges to keep you FTP solution organized. Your employees won’t waste time parsing through useless files looking for the one they need.

    Ultimately, when you adopt an online FTP solution, your business is spared the time and resources required to build and manage your own solution. Your team can maintain focus on crucial tasks that drive your business growth. Invest your profits back into your growth initiatives, and let the FTP experts take the lead on your secure file sharing solution



    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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