August 16, 2017

    Seamless Change: Transitioning to a New File Transfer Solution

    Are you considering switching to a new file sharing solution? For many companies, the prospect of switching to a new solution might sound like a nightmare. System implementations often lead to a number of issues, like miscommunication, impacts on productivity, lost data, and more.

    However, switching file sharing solutions doesn’t have to be a nightmare, and your company’s productivity doesn’t need to suffer, if you take the right steps to prepare for the transition. Whether your company is completely migrating from a legacy FTP solution or simply upgrading to a more secure FTP solution, exploring and understanding your solution options enables you to protect your team’s efficiency.

    Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of making the transition to a new FTP solution. Explore five actions you should take to ensure you’re selecting an FTP solution that aligns with your company’s needs and discover how you can prepare your users for a smooth transition to your new solution.

    Take Advantage of Free Trials

    If you’re concerned about getting the greatest return on your investment in a new FTP solution, engage in a number of free trials to verify that the systems you’re considering have the features and designs that compliment your company’s file sharing processes.

    A number of FTP providers offer free trials, so you can experience the benefits of their system for yourself before switching file sharing solutions. You will have the opportunity to see a solution in action, test performance levels, and determine whether it is the right fit for your company’s needs.

    Another option for companies that want to experience how a system operates before switching file sharing solutions is engaging in a tiered pricing model. Some FTP solution providers enable you to pay a minimal price for small-scale access to their solution. You’ll get a taste of the solution’s benefits and be able to determine if it fits your file sharing needs. Instead of doing a company-wide rollout, you can test it first with a few key users, and then scale up as your company or file sharing needs grow.

    Watch Tutorials or Workshops

    One concern many users have when switching to a new file sharing solution is the complexity of the new system they have to learn. Many companies face the challenge of downtime when implementing and adjusting to a new FTP solution. However, you can mitigate the risk of lost profits when you have a thorough understanding of how a system works before you invest in it.

    Take advantage of free tutorials or workshops that FTP solution providers offer. By viewing these tutorials, you can fully understand the system you’re working with and the features you’ll use each day. Try to view these workshops before selecting your solution, so you can compare the systems’ usability and interface, making your choice easier. 

    Subscribe to FTP Provider Blogs

    One of the most valuable resources for companies switching file sharing solutions is blog content created by FTP providers. For answers to common questions, articles with advice about file sharing, industry news, and more, turn to informative blog posts. These pieces of content created by FTP experts allow you to learn more about the complexities of file sharing and the benefits of using a well-designed, advanced solution.

    In fact, providers often share information about new feature releases and resources directly through their blogs. Accessing this content makes it easy to stay informed and current on the FTP solutions you’re considering. Don’t just stop after reading through a few articles, either. Make sure to subscribe to these informative blogs, so you’ll receive new posts and resource right in your inbox.

    Schedule a Customized Demo

    Every company has their own unique requirements for their file sharing solution. Because no two companies are alike, you should consider requesting a personalized tutorial or demo with your FTP provider to get direction on your specific file sharing processes. Many FTP providers will be happy to engage with you and your team to provide insight on how a solution could operate efficiently in your work environment.

    During the process of switching file sharing solutions, this session will be valuable for both the system administrators and users at your company. This ensures that everyone has a chance to familiarize themselves with the new solution, and ask questions as needed.

    Keep Your Team Informed

    Your team is at the heart of your FTP solution implementation process, because they are the ones impacted by the solution each day. One of the reasons so many system implementations are prone to failure is the confusion and resistance to change that end users often feel.

    Imagine working with a solution daily, and then suddenly, a new system is rolled out. You would be unable to fulfill your daily work responsibilities without learning the new system first. Maybe you couldn’t find essential files or your legacy files aren’t organized in a way you’re familiar with.

    Ensure that your team is on board with the transition to a new FTP solution. First and foremost, it’s essential that you keep your team informed. Communicate both your reasons for switching file sharing solutions and the anticipated timeline for the transition.

    Also, implementation of a new solution is the perfect opportunity to establish new file sharing policies for increased security. Once you have created or updated a file sharing policy, inform your team about the changes and train them on how to adhere to the new processes.

    Switching file sharing solutions is a prime opportunity for your company to increase data security and embrace a more organized way of sharing files. Though many transitions come with frustration and fatigue, you can avoid these challenges by investing effort into researching new solutions and selecting the solution that meets your company’s needs.

    Finally, don’t forget about the role your FTP provider plays in this process. You need an expert partner to ensure your team is properly trained. With a supportive FTP partner and the right system, you’ll have a seamless, pain-free switch to your new file sharing solution


    Tag(s): FTP

    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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