January 12, 2016

    Understanding the Disadvantages of a Public Cloud FTP provider

    Absolutely nobody is saying that cloud technology in general doesn't bring with it a wide range of different benefits for both personal and business users - this is something that you cannot argue. What many people fail to realize, however, is that public cloud FTP providers and private FTP cloud providers are absolutely not the same thing and should not be treated as such. Understanding the differences means having access to the most actionable information possible regarding your business.

    The Disadvantages of a Public Cloud FTP Provider

    Because of the underlying technology that public cloud FTP providers are utilizing, important qualities like fault tolerance and high availability simply do not exist in this type of deployment. Public FTP cloud providers, such as those on Amazon AWS, house your information on temporary storage and are constantly shifting the physical location that data is stored in around depending on the needs of the company as a whole. Temporary storage is exactly that - temporary - and device failure is no longer a question of "if" but "when."

    When going with a public cloud FTP provider you will also have absolutely no control over where your data is being stored in the first place. Oftentimes a public cloud provider will split up your data around the world or region depending on what is most convenient for them at the time. This is problematic as different countries have different rules and regulations regarding security, so there is a high potential that your information may be stored in a physical facility with lax security protocols that are putting yourself, your business and your customers at risk. More simply stated, the cloud FTP provider is not in control of your data or its physical location.


    The Advantages of Private FTP Cloud Providers

    Going with a private FTP cloud provider like Sharetru, on the other hand, gives you access to a huge number of benefits. Sharetru's private cloud is built on an infrastructure with high availability, meaning that you have both zero downtime and zero data loss in the event that some type of system failure does occur. A private cloud provider like Sharetru also uses RAID drive arrays on block storage (persistent vs. temporary). Not only is block storage permanent, but it is of a significantly higher performance level, meaning that your app service levels will always offer peak performance at all times.

    Perhaps the biggest benefit, however, is that you now have control over where your media is physically stored. Sharetru stores data in Louisville, Kentucky, making sure that you always have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is protected and within reach. But, just in case of some major unforeseen disaster in Louisville, your data is also securely backed up to another data center outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. 



    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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