June 9, 2015

    Why Marketers Should Consider FTP File Sharing

    FTP File SharingIn today's modern, technology-driven world, file sharing is no longer recommended - it's essentially mandatory. File sharing in general is a great way to save time, money and energy - all while creating an environment where collaboration is easier than ever before. One of the key issues with this practice, however, is one of security. You need to make sure that all of the sensitive information you're putting into the digital environment is safe and protected from prying eyes at all times. There are a large number of different reasons why marketers in particular should definitely consider FTP file sharing for their business.

    FTP File Sharing: Security

    Perhaps the most important benefit of FTP services for marketers has to do with the security measures that are in place to protect against things like hackers or data breaches. FTP stands for "file transfer protocol," which is a term that refers not to the act of sharing files but the way those files are shared. FTP uses encryption, for example, to essentially "scramble" information for additional protection. Without the appropriate encryption key, someone who gains access to business data wouldn't actually have anything valuable to use. This allows marketers to handle their client's personal information as safely as possible at all times. 

    Additionally, FTP services have a variety of controls built in to manage various user permissions regarding who can access files and who can't. You can upload an important client document to a server without worry, as you can specify that only employees X, Y and Z have access to it. Every other employee will not be able to access the folder that the file is stored in.

    Bonus: Compare the top File Sharing Services by downloading our Free Comparison Guide to see what services can help you avoid the issues of user irresponsibility.



    FTP file sharing is also great for marketers for a number of other reasons. As a technology, it's natively built to handle large files - allowing you to transfer uncompressed, high quality versions of your marketing materials between two points without worrying about how long it will take or similar issues. 

    FTP file sharing is also a great way to allow clients to instantly review the current version of a project, check up on its overall status and more. It helps keep everyone in sync at all times, allowing everyone to make input from various locations right from their computers or other mobile devices.

    Out of all of the industries that would benefit from utilizing FTP, marketers in general will soon realize just how much this technology has to offer. Between the native security of the format to the productivity and collaborative benefits, FTP file sharing is a great way to embrace all that modern technology has to offer. 

    Key Takeaways:

    • FTP includes a variety of security controls that help keep important information safe from prying eyes at all times.
    • FTP is also great for effortlessly sharing large files with clients, allowing them to check up on the status of a project with just a few quick clicks of a mouse.

    To learn more about why FTP is a secure alternative for file sharing, request a demo to try it and experience FTP's safety features first hand.

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    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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